

初一英语教案:Unit 4 Amazing things重点句型和知识点

451人阅读 时间:2020-03-01

初一英语教案:Unit 4 Amazing things重点句型和知识点

  Unit 4 Amazing things

  一. 教学内容:

  Unit 4 Amazing things

  二、教学目标:掌握Unit 4的重点句型和知识点


  1. I read a book about the shortest man .我读了一本关于最矮的人的书。

  2. I’m really surprised to learn all these.了解所有这些我真的很惊讶。

  3. A person has 1000 dreams in a year. 一个人一年中做1000个梦。

  4. Elephants are the biggest living animals on land.大象是陆地上活着的最大动物

  5. I understand more about animals.关于动物我了解更多。

  6. They can be very pretty and lovely.他们可能非常漂亮可爱。

  7. A giraffe has seven bones in its long neck.长颈鹿的长脖子里有7块骨头。

  8. I can’t believe a tortoise can live up to 150 years.我不能相信乌龟可以活到150岁。

  9. Each eye of a camel has three eyelids.骆驼的每只眼有三个眼睑。

  10. Ants can smell things as well as dogs can. 蚂蚁的嗅觉和狗一样。

  11. Is there anything about animals in the book? 书里有关于动物的东西么?



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